Titel: Trepadeira Azul
Like a carpet, the Trepadeira Azul covers Porto. Everywhere you look, especially close to the river Douro, the blue color of the flowers are magnificent. “Bons-dias” (good days) - like this plant is also called, is a souvenir that travels far away from South America, Brasil. She feels comfortable in her new home town Porto, especially there, where the city or the people have neglected the spaces. These ruins are now re-inhabited and bloom full of new life.
This series of photos developed with Trepadeira Azul shows the plant in places of anarchy in the middle of the city with landmarks in close relation. The decay might not always be visible in the first view, but having a deeper observation on Porto, the poverty is undeniable. What happens to these places in such prominent locations? What does it say about us if we leave our surrounding to itself? “Bons-Dias” appropriates these loci and gives nature the possibility to regain its places. Just in spite that these spaces are woven in the everyday city context. It’s not just some area at the periphery where they took over, the blue color swabs becomes a major part of the cities character as are the abundant spaces they occupy.